Thanks Simon & all the babywearing dads

We are getting more lovely emails from dads around the world who enjoy carrying their children. Tell us why you love 'baby wearing' for a chance to win one of 3 free baby slings. Today, it's Simon writing:
It started when my wife bought a stretchy wrap. I liked the adaptability and how many different positions she could carry our baby in, it was very clever, although I wasn't a keen fan of how long it was! I liked the idea though of carrying my son so close, and to be able to get good quality time with him, as being breast fed means he was and still does spent a lot of time with his mum. She wrapped me and baby in it and it felt wonderful. I had my little baby son all snug and tight, close to me. Just thinking about it fills me with so much love. It's hard to explain the bond I feel when I carry my son, I'm just so close to him when he's wrapped in the sling with me.
After learning how to use the stretchy wrap I soon found my own technique of getting him in it that I was comfortable with. From here the wife bought and borrowed many more styles, all slightly different, and I haven't found any I dislike. Each has something different that I like, taller, wider, longer, shorter, less stretchy, firmer etc. I soon had an opportunity to buy my own wrap, a manly one with skulls on! I hasten to point out that I've never felt uncomfortable or embarrassed in ANY wrap I've used. I always feel a great pride carrying my son, not only do I feel such closeness, warmth, love and bonding, but I look at everyone waiting for a reaction! So many people look or stare, I love it! To say I'm a proud Dad is an understatement, and the wrap helps me to show of my boy, and the attention it gets gives me an excuse to show him off, not that he needs it! I jump at every chance to carry him, I'm all excited inside as I ask the wife calmly if I can carry him, hoping she wont want to carry him today.
Not only does the wrap give me such a wonderful bonding with my son, but it helps to calm him very quickly. It's usually near instant from having an upset baby, to one in the sling with me that has calmed and I'm holding close to me as I sooth him. It's not often we use the pushchair now, and that was my pride and joy! The sling is not only more comfortable but it gives me 2 free hands, I don't have far to look to check he is ok, and getting about a busy town is sooooo much simpler without the pushchair. He is now nearly 7 months old and it's still comfortable, wraps distribute the weight evenly over your upper body, making it very easy.
Dads, if you haven't worn a wrap and carried your baby around town or whilst food shopping, I urge you to try it. The bond and closeness is the most wonderful thing in the world. It can been colourful, patterned, or just plain black, give it a go and you'll realise I'm not a Dad gone mad!
Did I mention the time I carried him facing forwards at the zoo? I could go on for days! Thank you for reading the ramblings of a proud baby carrying Dad, in England.
Labels: babywearing dads
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