Babywearing dads, thanks guys for your lovely emails

Before our daughter was born, I thought it would be nice to have the kiddo close to me in a baby carrier. Once Madeleine was actually born, I found I enjoy it even more. I didn't know quite what it would be like, and it's even better than I thought. I love having her right there next to me, able to see my face and make a connection with me.
My favorite part of babywearing is watching Madeleine look around at everything, whipping her head from side to side to see it all. It's fun to see her get so excited about the world. Of course, wearing her also gives me lots of opportunities to kiss the top of her head.
I like to wear her while we're walking around the neighborhood, to the park, coffee shops, or down to the harbor. I wear her every other day or so, and she seems to like it a lot more than being pushed in a stroller!
~Dakota Bailey (and Madeleine, 3 months)
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