More lovely photos from babywearing dads

We are getting more lovely emails from dads around the world who enjoy carrying their children. Tell us why you love 'baby wearing' for a chance to win one of 3 free baby slings.
I love it as it keeps my child close to my heart and comforts them with the beat of my heart. I have always loved carrying my children in this way and if my wife has any more children, I cant wait to do this again.
I love the chance to bond as well, most of all I love my child's smell!
Also its the looks I get and the attention which I must not grumble about especially as I am nearing my 40s!
For us a sling was a must we have twins and dual breastfeeding for my wife tricky, we found that if I had one of the babies next to me and I walk about singing and talking, this gives a bit of time for feeding one.
They are absolutely though such a natural way to be with your little one and that little warm body next to yours is a memory to treasure.
Labels: babywearing dads
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