Meet Nick, another sling dad...

We're enjoying hearing from all babywearing dads and how much they love carrying their children. Today, Nick sent us this lovely photo and this email. Thanks Nick for sharing with us!
Remember, you still have a few days to win one of 3 free baby slings
I'd like to tell you about my babywearing experiences so far and enter the competition.
My daughter is only 14 weeks old so I've not been wearing her for long and I am still somewhat of a novice (my wife has to help me tie it up!) but I already know that it allows for an amazing closeness and makes me feel so proud to be a dad.
I work long hours during the week and only see my daughter for a half an hour in the mornings, and then half an hour each evening. I often feel that I am missing out on such a lot of our bonding times because I am away from her so much during the week. However, babywearing has enabled me to spend good quality time with her on the weekends and really develop our father and daughter bond.
I love wearing her walking around shops or walking down near the beach and she will often fall asleep whilst in the sling, which makes me feel so proud. I'm glad she's so close to me and I can't imagine sitting her in a stroller when she would feel so far away from me. I love to feel her close and I love that she gets used to me, my smell and my voice. My wife doesn't get a look in on the weekends as, as far as I'm concerned, the weekend means it daddy's turn to babywear!
My wife will probably tell you that she wears a baby sling for the convenience, but for me babywearing has really helped me to really bond with my little girl and make up for those times that I am away from her during the week. I am a proud proud father when I wear the sling and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I hope that this does help other dads. The closeness that you get from wearing your child in a sling is so hard to put into words but I really hope this helps others.
I've attached a photograph of me with my daughter Sylvie in a wrap.
Labels: babywearing dads
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