Another cool babywearing dad

So your e-mail caught me on my Thursday treat day, when I have sole charge of our 17month old monster, I know that if I didn't enter this and my wife ever found out that I'd missed a chance of a competition my life wouldn't be worth living so here goes!
My wife decided that she wanted to wear George from very early on and was lent a Bjorn Borg by her sister, but that was quickly forgotten about, as she never really liked the way that he hung in it, I never understood the poppers and buckles so never even tried just went along with whatever she said. When George was about 6 months she bought a mei tai, it was black and had skull and crossbones all over it, so I thought it looked pretty cool, but what on earth did you do with those straps? So that was another one that I never really touched, until she hurt her back, only slightly but enough to not be able to carry George when we were doing the school run, so occasionally for a week I was chief carrier (with her tying the baby to me, I still had no idea what to do.
It was about this time that our summer holiday arrived, and that is when I found the love of baby carriers, by this time, she had managed to sneak another one into the house, this time a ring sling, and I discovered that when camping in mud up to your knees I was able to still move about, the pushchair had sunk on the first day, and being a responsible parent I was even able to hold a pint in my other hand, just don't tell anyone that bit!!!
Slowly Sarah's carrier collection grew, some of which I have no idea where they came from, but I enforced a rule of one in one out, so she sold my skull and cross bones carrier, much to my disgust, it did however get me to change my rule to, you can only have as many as will fit in the basket where they live, she likes to think that I don't know how many are there, but I do and I now have come to terms with the fact that the woman is obsessed!!
In return for my carrier that went, she got hold of a second hand connecta, which I have fallen in love with, I can even manage to get it on without any help, although sometimes he is a bit wonky, but as he has got older I have realised just why she loves wearing him all the time, to be able to walk along and have your little fella chatting away in your ear is the most fantastic feeling, only beaten by the feeling of his head nuzzling into the gap between your shoulders while he falls asleep (although I need him to get out of the dribbling quite so much!).
I know am looking forward to the summer, another holiday of music festivals, hopefully not so muddy, but with the advantage that there will be no buggy being taken instead I will pick the carriers, I'm secretly quietly happy that she is now pregnant again, which means by the summer I will be doing most of the wearing of my little fella, obviously not for my own benefit, but for the benefit of my wife, I wouldn't want to put any strain on her

So that is my baby wearing story, I look forward to the future, the joys of having a toddler up and down and the learning curve of those long wraps with the new baby, how she does that I'll never know, but I really hope to learn as when she has tied George onto me I know just how comfortable it has felt, if only I could do it myself, without tripping over, but for now I will carry on with my connecta, and the ring sling and carry on telling all my pregnant friends just how amazing it feels to be so close to your little one!
Pictures included are of the connecta enabling a family hike and the rocking baby ring sling (or how to keep three kids under control and still enjoy a music festival, although remember to keep an eye out for those pesky little fingers!)
Labels: babywearing dads
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