Baby wearing with a disability
Today's post is dedicated to Melissa. Melissa is the owner of Lemon Balm Essentials. If you have an interest in hard-to-find wraps, you might already know her passion for anything wrap related. She is the expert of limited editions, bringing new fairly unknown brands to the market.
She has two young daughters and still carries the youngest one.
Melissa suffers from Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain all over the body. The condition affects the muscles, tendons and ligaments (bands of tissue that connect bone to bone), resulting in widespread pain, fatigue and extreme sensitivity to pain.
Melissa shared what happened to her recently at her doctor. Her PT saw her carefully lift her toddler on her back, slip her backpack over her and went off, holding her older daughter with one hand and her cane with the other. Her PT concluded, that's the safest way to do it, better than just holding her hands or pushing her buggy.
A great resource for disabled parents wishing to carry their children is the Disability, Chronic Illness and Special Needs Board at The Baby Wearer.
Many times, several vendors and baby wearing teachers have pulled their knowledge of baby wearing and disability to design a carrier specifically for a mum and her child. Cinda at Tentoes (now closed, unfortunately) was one of them. Of course, you should always consult with your health care practitioners but if you wish to carry your little one or not-so-little one, don't give up. Many mums and dads manage to do it and actually find it safer than trying to run after a toddler, push a pram or lift a child without a sling.
Any question? Join the baby wearer for advice, chances are you'll find another parent who's been there, done it.
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