Monday, December 01, 2008

A beautiful baby wearing painting

Nicki is a mum of three and a keen baby wearer.

I love browsing her blog and her Etsy shop. Today I came across her newest baby wearing painting, a mum with her child on her back. The background lets your imagination take you far away, a peaceful sea or an early morning sunrise, an imaginary forest?

Mums are often concerned that they won't have the same connection carrying their baby on their back than they are on their front. Everyone has their preference, I can only tell them that I love feeling my child on my back, their head slowly feeling heavier on my neck until I hear a gently snore. All that walking about on mummy's back must be exhausting because my son always falls asleep pretty quickly! Maybe instead of saying that I love it and that the only way to know if they'll like it is to give it a try, maybe I should just point you to Nicki's painting?

I was going to talk to you about the VAT going down today and the wraps being even better value than before, but it seems a bit prosaic after Nicki's beautiful painting, maybe I'll leave that for tomorrow!


At 4:02 pm, Blogger . said...

Anne I've only just spotted this post! Thanks so much for mentioning me in your blog - and your very kind words!

Happy New Year!!!



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