When baby wearing becomes the most chatted subject on the net
Motrin thought it might be a good idea to make fun of the mums they were trying to sell to. I'm not sure how they could have ever thought it would be a good idea but anyway!
Anyway, they publish a clip on their website, and printed it in popular parenting magazines, making fun of mums who use slings and carry their baby (it hurts you need pain killer!)
Little did they realise that mums around the world would rally so quickly to defend themselves.
Baby Wearing International published a press release to outline the benefits of baby wearing and protest against the ad. Bloggers & Tweeters were buzzing over the weekend. Facebook's boycott group already has more than 1000 members. Quickly, the company (owned by Johnson & Johnson) withdrew the ad and apologised.
You can still view the original ad on You Tube along with lots of responses, including some really funny ones!
Here is the original ad:
And the replies are flying in:
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