A working "holiday"

We are still closed and the move is not going as fast as we were hoping. Still lots to do and still only 24 hours in the day but we're getting there. All the network cables have been laid, the internet connection is up, the phone line will be back up as soon as we can locate the computer is the dozen of boxes piled up to the ceilings.
In the meantime, you can always contact us by email.
That gives us time to work on lots of exciting things for the next few months.
First on the list is the new Calin Bleu wraparound instructions. New and larger photos, new instructions, our "top tips". We've asked lots of parents to review and give us their feedback and they are enthusiasts. If you want to take a peak, email us and we'll send you the pdf copy.
We've also been working on the new winter micro fleece wrap slings which will be available soon. We LOVE these wraps, they are light, super soft, easy to put on and take off and ever so elegant. They make an ideal present for a new mum with a winter baby.
Last year, we did a limited edition of designer wraps and you kept asking for them. So here they are. The black micro fleece wrap with a spotty accent. There will be lots of other colour combinations as well, we are so excited, we are almost looking forward to the winter. I still can't decide which one to keep, maybe the charcoal with orange accent or maybe one of each.
Beware, we have limited supply of these babies, when they're gone, we might not be able to get more!
Remember to sign up to the Newsletter to be the first to know when they arrive.
Another exciting project we've been working on: Tell us your baby wearing stories
Did you start carrying your first baby or the youngest one, just for fun or because she was a high need baby, because you had twins, because it's fashionable, or are you the only one baby wearer in your entire county. Did you start with a Baby Bjorn? a ring sling? straight into wrapping?
Whatever your story, grab a pen or your keyboard and write to us.
Your stories will be published on the blog or on the website. We look forward to reading you.
There is also the lot-less-exciting work of figuring out how the changes in the Post Office rates affect us (and you!) and solve the eternal question: can we pack our wraps differently to make them cheaper to send out?
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