The fun of swatch photos

Most of our customers buy their wraps on-line so having excellent photos showing the colours well is very important to us. We spend quite a lot of time taking photos, manipulating them to get the colour right.
Most of our photos are taken with our trustworthy Nikon D70. I love these photos: Leom's photos with the black micro fleece wrap, Emily with the gorgeous purple gauze wrap, Odaline in the red microfleece or asleep in the cherry red gauze wrap the are among my favourites...
For swatch photos, it's always a bit trickier. The purple gauze gave us nightmares. Red is also one
of the most difficult colours to render on screen.
So... we have a new toy to take even better pictures: colour check chart and colour imitor for the screen. You should see great improvement over the next few weeks and months. Here is a preview (and a sneak preview of a very limited edition of linen wraps.
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