Our baby wearing story (part 1)
As I mentioned in an earlier post, we're starting a new project: collecting baby wearing stories, sharing the joy of carrying our babes, our best memories, the fun times and the not-so-nice episodes, the why how and so on.
So here it goes, the start of our baby wearing novels... Episode 1
I still remember the first day we went out with our daughter. She was born at home so there wasn't the "coming home from the hospital journey". It was a bright crisp day in the middle of April and she is a baby carrier, her head tucked against my chest. She was so small, light in a lovely velour white suit. One of the only things I had bought before she was born.
The next memory is me in my pyjamas doing the dishes with O. in a baby carrier. It's early in the morning and I can hear birds singing, as they sing early in the morning the first days of spring. For the first time since she was born, I could recognise and predict her rythm: wake up at 5am, breastfeed and then a long period of awake time and in-arms phase. So I would pop her in the baby carrier and get on with tidying up the house, cleaning the kitchen (which has never been so clean since then!), catch up with emails until she would doze off around 9am. And we would go both go back to bed.
With so much carrying, my back was aching even though she was only a couple of months old. A friend had a baby sling and was very happy with it. So I stalked EbayTM and got one too. It was a revelation, she was so snug, it was soft, no buckles, I loved it.

Then comes my next memory: a weekend in Canterbury in the middle of August, it was hot hot hot and I was worried O. would dehydrate. She literally lived in her baby sling for a couple of days, I could breastfeed in the sling without anyone noticing, even while we visited the Cathedral! It's only on the punt trip that people started wondering what the gulping sound was. "Look Honey, there's a baby in there!
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