More out of topic! Baby signing...

Another out of topic post! This might very well become a habit now!
Baby signing.
I'm passionate about baby signing. We started using signs with my daughter when she was 6 months old. It took her a while to respond but when she started, the floodgates open. I realised she could understand quite complex things.
We were away for the weekend when she was about 10 month old. I said to her we were getting ready to get on the plane, and signed plane. She started screaming with joy and signed 'Home' back to me and waived bye bye to everyone straight away. I was amazed that she had linked the concepts of plane/home/bye so quickly! I would have had no idea of what was going on in her little head if it were not for her ability to sign.
She outgrew the signs when as her speech developed but we still used some signs. If we're in a group and she does something she's not supposed to do, I can quietly sign No or Danger in the distance and she knows to stop straight away without having to make a fuss or disrupt the group.
Now that her little brother is here, she's started using signs again with him. She remembers them very well (the Sing and Sign DVD and a couple of books came really handy to refresh our memories!)
Our little guy is nearly 11 months now, he uses a few signs (and has started 'talking' No No No No he says!). The main advantage with this little chap is that he loves the songs around food and they're the only way to keep him from climbing out of his chair at meal times!
Labels: Baby signing
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