We're working on the results of the baby carrier competition.
A month ago, we invited to tell us why you love carrying your children. We've received dozens of emails and are going through them. It is really moving to hear your stories, how much you enjoy "baby wearing" and how much it means to you and your children.
We will be publishing the results of the competition soon but until then, we would love to share the email Andrea sent us:

With baby carrying my baby is close to me again... he is comforted by my skin, my heart beat... the movements and sounds I make. I am able to feel him breathe... kick... tug at me with his sweet little hands... I can even feel his breath on my chest when he dozes off. Its fantastic in so many ways.
I get just as much attention ... if not more carrying my baby in a wrap than I did even pregnant, I have person after person coming to me asking "what is that?" (since baby wearing is not well known here in northern ohio). I have mothers carrying their children on their hip with no help from a carrier or pushing a clunky stroller around coming to me saying "Where did you get that! I have to buy one..." and then I am able to help them like its helped me. I love being able to teach women how to use a wrap. I only wish I had the means so I could buy each and every friend of mine one.
Besides the reasons of it reminding me of being pregnant... it has so many advantages!
I cant imagine anyone not enjoying it...
When I gave birth to my 2nd son and came home from the hospital... my 1st born who was 2 yrs old was torn so out of frame. He was no longer his mama's #1 priority. The look in his eyes when I had to tell him "no mama can't hold you right now..." because I was busy holding the newborn tore me to pieces! I couldn't stand that. Once I discovered the joys of baby wearing though that problem was solved almost instantly! I am now able to do arts and crafts with my two year old while my newborn is happily snug in a wrap. I am able to wash the dishes with my son while still caring for the baby. I am able to cook... I am able to do my make up... I am able to eat... take my 2 yr old to the potty... vacuum... dust...read...talk on the phone...blog... you name it! I can do almost anything with my son in a warp. I can even WORK OUT with him in it.
The wrap has introduced me to all sorts of baby wearing.
From a Mei Tai... to a ring sling... to even creating my own carriers.
I will actually make up excuses to wear my son :-) ...
My husband often asks me "Why dont you just put him in the swing to sleep.."
I just shake my head and say "Its ok.. I like it this way better."
Its so special.. they grow so fast and you cant wear them forever...
So why not cherish this time while you still can.
Just like the 9 months of pregnancy quickly passes.. so do the few years that your children are small enough to be worn fades away. I am going to soak every minute of it up... and wear my child close to my heart as long as I can!
I really do love to wear my baby. "
Thank you very much for your contribution.
Our free baby carrier competition is now closed. If you would like to participate in our next competiton, sign up for the newsletter.
Thank you very much for your contribution.
Our free baby carrier competition is now closed. If you would like to participate in our next competiton, sign up for the newsletter.
Labels: baby slings
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